Living in, and finishing the Bus, 13-01-2000.

And this is it. I have now been living in the Bus for two weeks, and managed to finish of a lot of things. including most of the cabling, central (water) heating, etc. And I am also trying to have a holiday! All the pictures on this page a 'clickable' which will give you a high-resolution version of it at 800x600 pixels.
To all of you who have managed to follow the development of my Bus, thanks for watching!
I may start a new thread of pages of my travels with the Bus though New Zealand, Australia and the USA, Canada and Mexico in the next few years. I will be living in this Bus for some years.
On board I have Ham radio gear (Short Wave, VHF, UHF), cellular phones, Satellite phone (Inmarsat) all with Data and Fax capabilty, and 3 computers on a LAN, all connected to the Internet via above phones :)
If you want to get hold of me, send me an email at

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